{ fresh starts }

The office / guest room / craft room has finally been cleaned up so there’s space to stand in the room next to the bed. And, I’m feeling more rested than I have in nearly two years. So where did I leave off…. This pattern has been sitting in my closet gathering dust. Vogue V9004…

{ shortcuts }

My current project is a sleeveless blouse, Vogue 9004. Given that I don’t have much time to sew, and I have a large stash of fabric, I thought, “I don’t need a muslin. I’ll just make a shirt using real fabric.” And off I went! I recently read a blog that gave two rules for…

{ hiding zippers }

Searching through my stash for additional knits to make into sweatshirts (no luck!), I found one of my zipper experiments. I stitched the green star and the zipper to the felt. Then lined the pouch with an additional layer of felt. I’m delighted to have found this. These are fun, useful, and easy to make!